One area that is most subject to fraud is the healthcare field is a nursing home. It is estimated that as much as 10% of Medicaid and Medicare spending is fraudulent. With government health programs spending close to $1 trillion each year, that means as much as $100 billion of taxpayer money is fraudulently diverted into the pockets of scammers.
You can help put a stop to some of that medical spending fraud! If you are an employee of a nursing home, or hospital, then you have special access to how things work behind the scenes. You can help stop the fraud from progressing. But how do you know what charges are fraudulent? It’s hard to catch them unless you have inside access to what actually happens in the nursing home.
For instance: a resident of the home has physical therapy twice each week. However, the charts show that the same resident had physical therapy 3 times each week. This “phantom billing” causes the Medicaid or Medicare program to pay out more than what is actually being used.
Other methods of fraud are when the nursing home charges for name brand medication, but dispenses generic medication. Or perhaps the medical provider bills for more hours than were actually delivered.
If you work in a nursing facility, then you may be a witness to nursing home fraud. If you suspect fraud in the nursing facility, get in touch with an attorney from Arentz Law Group by calling 1-800-305-6000. Your Qui Tam lawsuit could end up saving taxpayers a lot of money and you could earn a reward worth as much as 30% of the final settlement.
Arentz Law can Help with Your Nursing Home Overcharging Whistleblower Lawsuit
Here at Arentz Law our goal is to ensure that justice is served. We understand that individuals are often not able to navigate the complicated legal system, and they need an advocate that can be their voice. Whether fighting against a pharmaceutical company that produces dangerous drugs, or initiating a lawsuit on behalf of the federal government, we are your source for legal help.
Do you know about fraud that is occurring in your workplace? Is that fraud costing the US Government, and ultimately the taxpayers, money? You can help ensure that these departments operate as efficiently as possible, and you could earn a reward for helping the government save money!
Ready to be a hero? Are you ready to step up and do the right thing when many are not? Are you ready to file a lawsuit on behalf of the government? Then call a whistleblower attorney at Arentz Law Group P.C. today at 1-800-305-6000. We will work hard to ensure that your identity is kept safe, the fraudsters are brought to justice, and you earn a reward for your work!
Arentz Law has qui tam attorneys in Southern California that have helped whistleblowers across the country. No matter what state you live in, a highly trained whistleblower attorney from Arentz Law can help you with your case.