Receive the Compensation You Deserve After a Motorcycle Accident

Bikers Often Get Shortchanged After an Accident

How Do I Recover Damages after an Accident?

What Compensation can I seek after a Motorcycle Accident?

How Much Does a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Cost?

Do I Really Need a Motorcycle Accident Attorney?

You Can Prevent Motorcycle Accidents

Arentz Law Has Accident Attorneys Ready to Help You

Bikers Often Get Shortchanged After an Accident

Whenever you strap on your helmet to go for a ride, you understand the risks you are taking.  You are well aware that there are many drivers out there that don’t pay attention to the road.  Those same drivers may end up taking the life of a biker.  But the joy that comes with riding is well worth the risk and most motorcycle riders will be able to make it home without being involved in an accident.

But what about those who are in an accident?  Those that don’t get to go home, but instead spend days or even weeks in the hospital trying to recover?  In 2014 and 2015 there were over 1,000 fatal motorcycle accidents in California alone.  That number doesn’t count those that were seriously injured, or those that somehow were able to avoid injury.

The sad truth is that being involved in a motorcycle accident is harder than being involved in a car accident.  Recouping damages almost always requires an attorney.  If you have been in a motorcycle accident, you need to call an attorney from Arentz Law Group P.C. immediately!  The sooner we can work on your case, the more likely we are to recover the full amount for you.  Dial 1-800-305-6000, or fill out the contact form on this page.


How Do I Recover Damages after an Accident?

Being involved in any sort of motor vehicle accident can be traumatizing.  When you are riding a motorcycle and an accident occurs, things get even worse.  Without the protection of a vehicle body around you, you are subjected to a lot more danger.   While there are preparations you can take in order to minimize the injuries you receive, the fact is that injuries are more likely than not to occur.

As soon as you can after the accident, you need to have an attorney from Arentz Law helping you.  The attorney will be able to talk with witnesses, interview medical personnel, and get first-hand police testimony to go along with any claims that you make.  The more information we can gather while it is still fresh in peoples’ minds the better the chance of building a strong case.

From there, our attorneys will work with you to make sure that you are receiving the justice that you deserve.  Your main focus will be on recovering from your injuries and getting back to your life.  Our main focus will be recovering damages to make sure that your accident has no financial impact on you and your family.  This accident wasn’t your fault; you should not have to pay anything for it!

Have you been involved in a motorcycle accident in Southern California?  Has a loved one been involved in a motorcycle accident and passed away due to injuries sustained?  The sooner you can call us at 1-800-305-6000 the stronger your case will ultimately be.  Our attorneys are ready to help you get the justice that you deserve.


What Compensation can I seek after a Motorcycle Accident?

If you’re involved in a minor auto accident, then most of the issues can be resolved on the spot.  They are almost always dented fenders that can be fixed with the help of insurance.  If you’re involved in a minor motorcycle accident, however, the issues can be much bigger.  And those issues often aren’t solved with insurance settlements.

With the help of an attorney from Arentz Law, we can help you recover damages in the following areas:

Medical Costs – If you’re injured, then the offending party (or their insurance company) are required to pay for medical bills.  But what about issues that creep up down the road?  They aren’t always apparent (or treatable) at the time of the issue.  Our attorneys can help you receive compensation for medical costs now, and those that arise in the future.

Lost Earnings – You may have sick or vacation time, but why should you have to use up those days to cover a hospital stay when you’re unable to work?  You should be compensated for any lost earnings, especially if you end up disabled and unable to return to work.

Pain and Suffering – This is a pretty broad category, and often includes issues you can’t put a price on.  PTSD, inability to enjoy the open road, mental anguish, depression, loss of enjoyment of life, and struggling with romantic relationships can all occur.  Your compensation can cover the costs of therapists to ensure your life is affected minimally.

Loss of Spouse – No amount of money will cover over the hurt you face if your loved one dies in a motorcycle accident.  But with our help you won’t be struggling to pay the rent, afford retirement, or pay your bills because their income is no longer a part of your life.  It’s one less burden to worry about as your go through the healing process.

Vehicle Damages – You have invested a lot of money into your motorcycle.  If it’s destroyed, you need to be reimbursed (even if you vow to never ride again).  In addition, you may have belongings that were damaged and need replaced.

After a motorcycle accident, there is a lot to think about.  But you shouldn’t have to worry about any of that!  Let an attorney from Arentz Law deal with the details, and give you the peace of mind that you will receive adequate compensation and you won’t be short changed in any area.  Give us a call at 1-800-305-6000 to alleviate some of the burden you are facing.


How Much Does a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Cost?

After you have been involved in an accident, you have one concern: to make sure your injuries heal.  Once a doctor has treated you, and the injuries are no longer life threatening, your next concern turns toward how you will get your life back.  Some of that includes recovering from the monetary damage that an accident incurs.

Unfortunately, in the world we live in, we are concerned about the financial impact if we are the victim.  This shouldn’t be the case!  If you are the victim, you should experience absolutely no financial impact from your accident!

But many people still wonder how much a motorcycle accident attorney costs.  They know that they will end up needing a new bike, they will be out of work for a period of time, and they will have medical bills since not everything is covered by insurance.  And the offenders insurance will likely offer a low-ball estimate to repair any damages.

The good news is that hiring a motorcycle accident attorney will cost you nothing.  At least nothing out of pocket.  When you enlist the help of an attorney from Arentz Law, we will work hard to win your case.  That is when we are compensated for our time.  A portion of your settlement helps us; the rest is designed to reimburse you for every cost that you have experienced, or any costs that you will experience down the road.

The damages to your physical health can be extensive after a motorcycle accident.  The damages to your mental health can create scars that last for years.  The damages to your personal property are actually the easiest to compensate.  With our help, all costs will be adequately covered.

If you, or a loved one, have been involved in an accident, it’s time to seek justice!  Our motorcycle accident attorneys in Southern California have successfully helped victims from across the country be compensated for the crimes against them.  Call us at 1-800-305-6000 to schedule your free consultation.


Do I Really Need a Motorcycle Accident Attorney?

When you are involved in a motorcycle accident, you will swap insurance information with the party that is at fault.  You will be contacted by their insurance company, and they will tell you what they believe you want to hear: that you will be fully compensated for any damages you sustain.  It is important that you do not give them any agreement, or any acknowledgement that you do, or will, accept their settlement offer.

Insurance companies are in the business of collecting premiums.  When they have to pay out, they estimate costs considerably lower than what is fair.  Many people accept these settlements because they don’t know that they have options to receive fair compensation for the damages to their property and to their person.

For instance, the insurance company may claim that they will cover all of your medical bills.  However, when they receive the bill, they say that they won’t cover the entire bill because you saw a doctor that wasn’t on their preferred list.  When they estimate the value for your motorcycle, they will offer a settlement thousands of dollars less than what it would cost to replace the bike.  You will likely never see anything to cover future medical bills that pop up, and if the wreck was serious enough to claim a life the settlement will barely even acknowledge that.

Do you need a motorcycle accident attorney?  If you are happy with a settlement that doesn’t come close to compensating you for the damages, then you don’t.  However, if you want a fair settlement that will ensure that you aren’t left paying bills out of pocket, then you absolutely need to hand the case over to the best motorcycle accident attorneys in Southern California.

We have one goal at Arentz Law: to help you get justice.  You are our top priority and we will work hard to make sure that we win your case.  Call 1-800-305-6000 to stand up for your rights as a victim!


You Can Prevent Motorcycle Accidents

There are two ways that motorcycle accidents can be prevented: drivers of cars and trucks can be more aware, and riders can be more defensive.  Ultimately the responsibility falls on both parties to watch out for one another.

If you regularly drive a car or a truck here are common causes of motorcycle accidents:

Turning left across lanes of traffic – Take an extra look to make sure there are no motorcycles coming; it may look clear, but a second glance makes sure that it is.

Crossing at stop signs – When the cross traffic doesn’t stop, always look left, right, left again to make sure there are no bikers coming that you didn’t see the first time.

Using your phone – Pull over to send that text or answer the call.  It will take 3 minutes out of your day to potentially save a life by pulling over.

Changing lanes – Cars and other vehicles have blind spots.  Always glance over the shoulder to ensure that there are no motorcycles in those blind spots before you change lanes.

Obey traffic laws – When you drive dangerously, you put others at risk.  Hitting another vehicle may result in a lot of property damage; hitting a motorcycle may result in manslaughter.

If you regularly ride a motorcycle, here are the ways you can be defensive and help prevent an accident:

Wear your safety gear – Wear a helmet and protective clothing.  The simple act of putting on the helmet decreases your risk of being killed in an accident by 30%.  Proper clothing can mean the difference between months and just hours in the hospital.

Maintain your bike – A poorly maintained bike is more likely to cause problems on the road.  Even a low-speed impact because you can’t get going fast enough can have deadly results for those on a motorcycle.

Obey traffic laws – Those driving cars and trucks need to follow the laws, and so do you.  Ride at a safe speed, use your signals, and always assume that the other drivers don’t see you.  When you take those extra precautions, your risks of being hit go down dramatically.

Despite all the precautions you take as a rider, there will always be those drivers out there that don’t pay attention.  Hundreds of times per day motorcycle accidents occur in Southern California and across the country due to the negligence of other drivers.  The result of their poor driving means you have experienced a terrible accident.  Now is not the time to hope that their insurance has your best interest in mind!

Have you, or a loved one, been involved in a motorcycle accident?  Before the offending party’s insurance has a chance to offer you a low-ball settlement that doesn’t cover your damages, call a motorcycle accident lawyer from Arentz Law.  Our highly trained attorneys can get you the compensation that you deserve.  Simply call 1-800-305-6000 for your free consultation.


Arentz Law Has Accident Attorneys Ready to Help You

Arentz Law Group P.C. is in the business of helping individuals with their legal voice.  What does that mean?  It means that you don’t have to try to fight against insurance companies that are offering you ridiculously low settlement options.  You can leave the hard work up to us, and you can get on with your life after your motorcycle accident!

After your accident, call us right away.  We can start working on your case to ensure when the offending party’s settlement is offered, your attorney can deny the settlement and negotiate one that will actually cover the damages that you incurred.  Our legal team will work with you so your compensation covers medical expenses (present and future expenses), property damage, emotional trauma, lost wages and more.  Your motorcycle accident was not your fault, so why should you be responsible for paying for it?

We care about the biker community.  And we want to make sure that the roads are safe for everyone.  If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, we work hard to ensure that when your rights are violated, you aren’t left as the victim!  You deserve to have your bike repaired quickly, and your bills taken care of, so that you can get back to riding as soon as possible.

If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, don’t wait until the other party’s insurance company or attorney offers you a settlement that is insulting!  Call us at 1-800-305-6000 right away to ensure that justice is received, and you’re not left paying the bills for someone else’s mistakes.


Arentz Law Group has helped countless motorcycle accident victims from all over the US.  Our attorneys are located in Southern California and have helped numerous victims in this area (because of the climate, bikers get to ride all year round making the area more susceptible to accidents).  If you have been in a motorcycle accident, no matter what state you live in, call us for the best representation around.

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