Mirena Lawsuits

Women across the country are filing Mirena lawsuits after they have suffered painful injuries resulting from implantation with this dangerous medical device.  Mirena is an IUD, or intrauterine device, which is implanted into a woman’s uterus to prevent pregnancy.  Though Mirena is heavily advertised as a safer, more convenient option than other methods of birth control, the truth is that thousands of women have suffered very serious Mirena injuries.  By filing Mirena lawsuits, these women are able to pursue compensation for their physical, emotional, and financial damages from the maker of this product, the pharmaceutical giant Bayer.  If you have suffered as a result of a Mirena IUD, you, too could be eligible to recover substantial compensation.  Read on to learn more about Mirena lawsuits, then contact us to schedule your cost- and obligation-free Mirena lawsuit consultation with an experienced attorney from Arentz Law Group, P.C.

Mirena IUD Injuries and Complications

Mirena IUD is a small, T-shaped device that a doctor inserts into a woman’s uterus to disrupt the joining of egg and sperm, thus preventing pregnancy.  Mirena also releases the progestin levonorgestrel, which prevents the monthly release of an egg by the ovaries.  According to Bayer’s advertisements, Mirena is safe, convenient, and reversible so it can be taken out if a woman decides to pursue a pregnancy.  Unfortunately, many women have suffered serious complications after implantation with Mirena, including uterine perforation, migration of Mirena from its intended position, and severe infections.  All of these Mirena complications have the potential to cause pain, infertility, and/or the surgical removal of the device.

Mirena Lawsuit Claims

The medical product liability attorneys at our firm are dedicated to helping women injured by Mirena hold Bayer fully accountable for the harm caused by their product while they pursue full and just compensation for their damages in Mirena lawsuits.  Our experienced lawyers are able to build Mirena lawsuit claims on a range of transgressions committed by Bayer, including:

  • Bayer knew or should have known of the potential for serious Mirena complications and injuries, yet they failed to provide doctors and consumers with adequate warnings of these risks.
  • Bayer withheld vital information concerning the safety of Mirena.
  • Bayer exhibited gross negligence when they promoted Mirena as a safe and convenient form of birth control by making false and misleading claims about the safety of Mirena.  For more information about Bayer’s false advertising of Mirena, please visit our page on that topic.

Free Mirena Lawsuit Consultations

At Arentz Law Group, P.C., our Mirena lawyers understand that the topic of Mirena injuries is highly personal to our clients, so we are vigilant in protecting our clients’ privacy and confidentiality.  We also understand that the Mirena lawsuit process can be intimidating, so we always take the time to help our clients fully understand their options so that they can make educated and confident legal decisions.  If you or someone you love has been injured by Mirena IUD, we are ready to stand with you as you pursue justice and full compensation for your damages.  To learn more about victims’ rights in Mirena lawsuits, contact us to schedule a free and confidential consultation.

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