Benicar Can Lead to a Potentially Deadly Intestinal Problems

Have you Taken Benicar and Suffered from Intestinal Disorders?

Benicar is making my IBS act up

I was diagnosed with Celiac disease after starting Benicar

While on Benicar I lost a lot of weight

Is my blood pressure medication responsible for my stomach pains?

Can I file a lawsuit against Daiichi Sankyo?

Will a Benicar lawsuit reimburse my medical expenses?

3 Reasons you need to open your case against Daiichi Sankyo

If I sue a drug company, what happens?

Arentz Law will fight for you in your Benicar lawsuit


Have you Taken Benicar and Suffered from Intestinal Disorders?

There are a multitude of reasons that a person may suffer from high blood pressure.  Whether it is due to diet and exercise, or old age and genetics, the elevated blood pressure needs to be taken care of.  Benicar, which found FDA approval back in 2002, was designed to do just that: lower blood pressure to a safe and healthy level.

Like many drugs Benicar has some serious side effects.  And like many of the dangerous drugs out there the drug manufacturer never fully warned the public about these side effects.

Have you used Benicar and suffered from severe gastrointestinal pain?  You may be able to file a Benicar lawsuit and collect compensation for your suffering.  Fill out the contact form on this page, or call 1-800-305-6000 to speak with an attorney about your possible lawsuit.


Benicar is making my IBS act up

You have high blood pressure, so you need to make sure that it is taken care of.  But did you notice that when you started taking Benicar to reduce your blood pressure, you were also diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?  The IBS isn’t just a coincidence, it could very well be a side effect of taking Benicar.

Benicar has a number of side effects that can plague the user.  It is common that those taking this medication will experience stomach pain and discomfort, and they may also experience diarrhea as well.  If these problems are minor, they are not much to worry about.  But they can progress even further, and develop into problems that are much more serious.

Have you noticed that since you have started taking Benicar you are feeling dehydrated (constantly thirsty), or you have lost a lot of weight?  Because of the intestinal problems associated with this medication, persistent diarrhea, severe weight loss, and dehydration are major concerns.  If they are not taken care of properly, you could end up in the hospital.

Have you used Benicar and had to seek medical attention due to severe weight loss or persistent stomach pain?  You may be able to file a Benicar lawsuit and collect restitution for the medical expenses you incurred.  Contact a Benicar attorney from Arentz Law by calling 1-800-305-6000.  You shouldn’t have to spend your money to correct a problem from a drug that is supposed to help keep you healthy!


I was diagnosed with Celiac disease after starting Benicar

Celiac disease occurs in about 1% of adults in the US.  It is caused by the body’s inability to process the gluten proteins found in wheat, and most people that suffer find that their symptoms are eliminated simply be removing wheat from their diet.  While it can develop at any age, what should cause you to question is the fact that your Celiac disease developed at the same time as taking Benicar.

One major side effect of taking Benicar is a condition called Sprue-Like Enteropathy.  That medical jargon simply means that you have gastro-intestinal problems.  The intestines become inflamed, digesting food isn’t as efficient, diarrhea and stomach pains become common, and you end up visiting the doctor to find out what is going on.

When you speak with your doctor and describe the symptoms, he or she may immediately believe that you have developed intolerance to gluten.  In other words, you have developed Celiac disease.  The recommendation is that you simply adjust your diet and after a while you should see the symptoms diminish and go away.

If this is what happens, then you coincidentally did develop Celiac at the same time as starting your Benicar treatment.  However, that’s not what most people experience.  Most people change their diet and go through the traditional methods of treating Celiac disease.  What happens is that the symptoms don’t diminish.  In fact, the symptoms get worse, and some have actually been hospitalized because the condition got so bad.

Have you been incorrectly diagnosed with Celiac disease after taking Benicar?  Have you been hospitalized until the real problem was discovered?  Then you need to speak with an attorney from Arentz Law Group right away.  Our personal injury attorneys can get you the compensation that you deserve.  Call 1-800-305-6000 for your free consultation.


While on Benicar I lost a lot of weight

Have you wondered if Benicar causes weight loss?  Chances are you were wondering this because you have noticed that you have lost weight while using this hypertension drug.  The truth is that Benicar can cause weight loss, but it is not a healthy weight loss that you want to see.  Here’s how it works.

When you take Benicar, the drug causes irritation in the gut.  You can experience stomach cramping and pain in your intestines.  Generally this is accompanied by diarrhea.  That weight loss that you’re experiencing is because the drug is affecting the way your intestines absorb the nutrients out of the food.  You are not losing weight because of any fat blockers, or any nutritional gains; instead you are losing weight because your body is unable to absorb the nutrients that you need.

A little weight loss isn’t bad though, right?  In many cases it is not a big deal to lose some weight.  However, Benicar has a history of shedding pounds at an unhealthy rate.  In fact, during a study done by the Mayo Clinic, one patient lost 125 pounds before it was discovered that Benicar was causing inflammation in the intestines.  This patient was hospitalized along with 14 (out of 22) other patients in the study.  When they discontinued the drug, inflammation subsided and all of the patients gained the weight back.

Does Benicar cause weight loss?  Yes, it does, and not in a good way.  If you have lost a dangerous amount of weight while on the drug, you need to call Arentz Law Group today.  Dial 1-800-305-6000 to speak with a dangerous drug attorney and determine if you are able to file a lawsuit seeking compensation.


Is my blood pressure medication responsible for my stomach pains?

High blood pressure is nothing to be casual about.  Whether it’s from a poor diet and lack of exercise, or from genetics or age, it needs to be taken care of.  The company Daiichi Sankyo developed a drug, Benicar, back in 2002 in order to help those that suffer from high blood pressure.  But as studies have shown, the company either didn’t test the drug well enough before sending it to market, or they ignored one potentially deadly side effect.

Stomach pains are difficult to diagnose.  Are you having stomach pains because your blood pressure medication Benicar is causing inflammation in your intestines, or is it a different cause?  For many that take Benicar, they are suffering because their medication is causing the problems.  But they are improperly diagnosed with Celiac disease.

How do you know what the actual cause of the pain is?  The best way is to talk with your doctor and see if switching to a different blood pressure medication eliminates the problem.  If it does, then you know that Benicar was the issue.

But what if you have been hospitalized because of those pains?  You took this drug because you thought it would help lower your blood pressure.  You were never warned that it could cause inflammation in your intestines, and end up hurting you.  If you have suffered because you took Benicar, you are exactly who the dangerous drug attorneys with Arentz Law Group want to speak to.  You may be eligible for substantial compensation from Daiichi Sankyo.  Call 1-800-305-6000 to learn how you can file a Benicar lawsuit.


Can I file a lawsuit against Daiichi Sankyo?

Before a drug hits the market it goes through a huge series of tests.  The drug is tested on lab rats to make sure it isn’t going to kill a living being (or cause serious problems).  Then it is tested in a well regulated lab on humans to ensure that there won’t be any drastic side effects.  After that, it is tested in a clinical setting where a small number of doctors are able to prescribe the drug to their patients knowing that it is in the trial phase.  As long as there aren’t major complications, the drug can then apply for FDA approval.

When Daiichi Sankyo tested their drug Benicar, they had the obligation to detect any and all side effects caused by the drug.  And they did disclose many of them.  People know that taking the drug could cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and the usual side effects that seem to come with every prescription drug.  But the company failed to disclose a major problem with this hypertension drug: it could lead to what is called Sprue-like Enteropathy.

Essentially the drug causes an inflammation of the intestines.  This makes it difficult for the body to adequately digest food, and those taking the drug may end up suffering from malnutrition.  It is hard to diagnose, and the problems persist until the use of the medication is discontinued.

Can you file a lawsuit against Daiichi Sankyo?  If you used Benicar, and you suffered from gastro-intestinal pain (especially if you were hospitalized because of it), then you can file (and should) file a lawsuit.  The Benicar attorneys with Arentz Law want to speak with you to learn more about your potential case.  Call 1-800-305-6000 for your free consultation.


Will a Benicar lawsuit reimburse my medical expenses?

Many people believe that taking a prescription drug is done, “at your own risk.”  They feel that if they react negatively to the drug, then they really don’t have any recourse.  This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Have you used Benicar and suffered from severe stomach pains?  Did you visit doctors and specialists to try to determine the cause of the pains?  Were you hospitalized because you were losing weight rapidly and you were too weak to keep going?  Do you have large out-of-pocket medical expenses after suffering severe side effects from taking Benicar?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you have what it takes to file a lawsuit against Daiichi Sankyo for failing to disclose all of the dangerous side effects of their drug.

Your overall compensation is determined by a number of things.  It isn’t based strictly off how much you spent on hospital bills, but it takes into account the pain and suffering that you have been subjected to.  Were you unable to work because of your medical condition?  Then you need to be reimbursed for lost wages.  Were you unable to enjoy a vacation because of the pain?  Then you need to be compensated for the down time.  Did the constant doctor visits strain relationships, put a toll on your vehicles, cause you to buy unnecessary food items, or other inconveniences?  Then you need to be made whole again!

The bottom line is that yes, a Benicar lawsuit will reimburse your medical expenses; but it will do much more than that too!  Start your claim against Daiichi Sankyo today by calling an Arentz Law attorney at 1-800-305-6000.


3 Reasons you need to open your case against Daiichi Sankyo

Have you suffered severe stomach problems after taking Benicar?  You may be thinking that now that you’re healed, you don’t need to file a lawsuit.  In truth, a suit will do more than compensate you for any monetary losses.  Here are three reasons that you need to open your case against Daiichi Sankyo for causing you pain and suffering.

Undue Medical Expenses – The biggest reason people file a lawsuit against any dangerous drug is because they have suffered.  The drug company failed to warn about all the potentially deadly side effects.  Individuals think they are taking a relatively safe drug, and end up hospitalized due to side effects.  By hiding some of the side effects (intentionally or otherwise) the drug company profits even though they are hurting people.  File your Benicar lawsuit today so that you are compensated for the monetary damages you incurred.

Future Medical Expenses – While you body may feel like it is back to normal now, there is no telling when the pain will return.  There are times when people take a dangerous drug and the symptoms leave after the medication use is discontinued.  However, down the road those symptoms could pop back up.  You haven’t incurred unnecessary medical expenses yet, but they could come up sometime in the future.

Raise Awareness about the Drug – You were hurt by taking Benicar, how many others were hurt as well?  But what if they were hurt and didn’t know that it was taking Benicar that was the cause of their pain and suffering?  What if you had read about the lawsuits against this drug before you started taking it?  Your lawsuit will help to raise awareness about this dangerous drug, and it can help save a lot of people from the suffering that you went through.

Are you ready to start your lawsuit against Daiichi Sankyo for the pain and suffering you have experienced?  Call a dangerous drug attorney from Arentz Law at 1-800-305-6000.


If I sue a drug company, what happens?

A lawsuit is never something to be entered into lightly.  That is why when you contact a dangerous drug attorney from Arentz Law, they will work with you to make sure they have all of the information possible.  When it comes time, they have a solid case that will help you receive the compensation that you deserve.

Too many people think that since drug companies have a lot of money, they must have lawyers that can get them out of anything.  This simply isn’t the case.  Yes, they do have a lot of money, and they do have lawyers on staff.  But when the drug company was negligent, even their lawyers can’t stand up to a dangerous drug attorney with Arentz Law.

After you contact us, you will work closely with your attorney to provide all of the medical documentation necessary.  Your attorney will then do all of the hard work.  You provide the evidence, and then we seek the appropriate compensation for you.  We get paid when your settlement goes through.

Ready to get started on being made whole?  Ready to receive compensation for the pain and suffering that you have experienced?  Schedule your consultation by calling 1-800-305-6000.


Arentz Law will fight for you in your Benicar lawsuit

Here at Arentz Law Group P.C. we have one goal: to make sure that these dangerous drug companies don’t get away with hurting innocent people.  By helping you stand up for your rights, we are helping keep these companies in line.

If you have suffered because you took Benicar, a drug that was supposed to ensure your health by lowering your blood pressure, you need to speak with an attorney from Arentz Law Group right away.  We will help you receive the compensation you deserve, and keep Daiichi Sankyo accountable for their actions.


Dangerous drug attorneys from Arentz Law Group, located in Southern California, can work with clients from all 50 states.  Don’t let your geographic location prevent you from working with the best!

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